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Battle.Lan Userbar:
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YAWLE Userbar:
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LanCraft - WC3 Lan Emulators Userbar:
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Warcraft 3 Userbar:
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Battle.Lan Userbar:
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YAWLE Userbar:
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LanCraft - WC3 Lan Emulators Userbar:
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Warcraft 3 Userbar:
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Rev. 03
-Rewrote Meld, removing an exploit and fixing the crash that occurs when Lanaya attacks a hero while invisible
-AI can pick Lanaya again
-Added an additional check on timing for consumable purchases to prevent a bug with AI bots not completing their builds
-Implemented a skill build and a rough temporary AI for Lifestealer; N'aix AI is nowhere near complete
-Updated all map regions; this fixes the Sentinel creep pathing issue in the top lane
-Removed most instances of preloading from the map to reduce some latency
-Fixed AI Razor not learning Storm Seeker
-Fixed the bug with Earthshaker getting Double Damage when he picks up an Invisibility rune
-Fixed a bug with Phase
-Fixed a bug with Psionic Traps causing mana burn when detonated by AI
-Corrected the number of arrows for Split Shot on Old Gorgon
-Slightly improved Old Gorgon's attack animation
-Phase and Haunt (Avatar of Vengeance) can now be stolen by Old Morphling
-Added Astral Trekker (3.0d) to Fun Tavern (Extinct)
-Added a message if player picks Fun Tavern heroes that can use Aghanim's Scepter
-Added a reminder message if player picks Old Invoker for -oldinvokelist command
-Updated tooltips for Silencer (Old Silencer) and Poison Sting (Old N'aix) to account for new orb effect/buff placer tooltips
-Changed the -ne message to only appear if there are one or more AI bots in the game
-Added a -ng message if there are any AI bots at difficulty Normal or Insane
-Added a temporary warning message about -dm and -mm
Labels: DotA AI
Labels: DotA AI
Labels: Zion
A great tool for UV mapping and creating UV maps out of pre-existing wc3 models.
Filetypes supported- .lum .obj .3ds .asc .Iwo .x .dof .ms3d .cob .nod .mdl .md2 .md3 .prm .smf .pof .oof .peo .geo .sod .l3d .3do .act .bdy .skn .bmf .mdc .mdo
Saves UV maps as- .bmp
The learning curve on this tool is moderately high.
Tutorial on one of its many uses, UV map creation from an existing modelDownload LithUnwrap - UV Mapping Tool
Labels: Tools
i cant play ' hero siege rpg' on war3 frozen throne. What causing it? · 1 year ago
sup pro
Warcraft 3 is the father of Dota 2 and League of Legends...-.- there is a dota 2 mode not required
Dota 2 Mode For Warcraft 3 - WarDota2 | Lancraft · 6 years ago
Warcraft 3 is the grandpa of Dota 2 and league of legends...
Dota 2 Mode For Warcraft 3 - WarDota2 | Lancraft · 6 years ago
what version is needed ?
Dota 2 Mode For Warcraft 3 - WarDota2 | Lancraft · 6 years ago