Microsoft release update "KB976264" that adds better compatibility for older games.
Good news it that one of this game is Warcraft 3.
So if You are having problems with Warcraft 3 on windows Vista/7 You should install this update.
Microsoft release update "KB976264" that adds better compatibility for older games.
Good news it that one of this game is Warcraft 3.
If You have Warcraft 3 in other language and You want it to be in english this is tutorial for You.
First You need to download Wc3UsConverter, You can download it from here (311.2mb)
When You downloaded Wc3UsConverter don next:
1.Save all things like maps , custom keys , replays etc and copy them into a new folder.
Labels: Tutorials
Hey, I have some invitation that I want to share:
Labels: Other
You remember Extreme Candy War 2005? Good map indeed...
Labels: Today's Pick
If you want to increase performances in Warcraft 3 or You have problems with DirectX You can run Warcraft 3 in OpenGL mode.
OpenGL for Warcraft 3 is used in Linux and OS X and it can be used in Windows.
To run Warcraft 3 in OpenGL mode right click on Warcraft 3 shortcut and in Target field ad "-opengl" tag (without quotes).
Labels: Tutorials
DotA 6.66b AI 0.2141 is released, it bring fixes with game crashing on AI 0.214.
Crashes were detected in Slark's Pounce, Ursa's Overpower and Visage's Summon Familiars, this was leading Warcraft to crash.
-Rewrote Overpower and Summon Familiars to prevent AI crashes
-Undid the fix added for Pounce in 6.66b that was causing the game to crash
Labels: DotA AI
Firewall and ports mean much if You wan't to host games.
Firewall may cause incoming data from reaching Your computer so other player will be unable to joint Your game.
Firewall can be anywhere, as software (windows firewall or some 3rd party firewall) and as hardware (modems/routers).
Here are port for Warcraft, World of Warcraft, Diablo and Starcraft. This ports need to be unblocked so games will good.
Diablo and Warcraft II Edition:
Allow port 6112-6119 TCP and UDP out and in
i cant play ' hero siege rpg' on war3 frozen throne. What causing it? · 1 year ago
sup pro
Warcraft 3 is the father of Dota 2 and League of Legends...-.- there is a dota 2 mode not required
Dota 2 Mode For Warcraft 3 - WarDota2 | Lancraft · 6 years ago
Warcraft 3 is the grandpa of Dota 2 and league of legends...
Dota 2 Mode For Warcraft 3 - WarDota2 | Lancraft · 6 years ago
what version is needed ?
Dota 2 Mode For Warcraft 3 - WarDota2 | Lancraft · 6 years ago