1. Added Aghanim`s to Enchantress.
2. Invoker now gains attribute points for each orb he levels.
3. Mjollnir
- Static Charge changed from a chance on attacks to a chance on any damage
- Double click now activates Static Charge on yourself
4. Alchemist
- Unstable Concoction stun duration rescaled from 2.5/3/3.5/4 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
- Added an AoE effect indicator for the Alchemist player while he is charging his Unstable Concoction
5. Bone Fletcher
- Death Pact attack damage rebalanced from 6/7/8% to 4/6/8% of targets HP
6. Dazzle
- Shallow Grave now has a duration indicator for allies
7. Luna
- Eclipse (Aghanim's version) target limit increased from 5 to 6
8. Morphling
- Adaptive Strike damage type changed from Physical to Magical (248693)
- Replicate cannot target Morphling's own illusions anymore
9. Ghost Scepter
- Cooldown increased from 25 to 30
- Cost increased from 1500 to 1600
10. Added items gemcourrier, mantastyleranged. Fixed skadi and Aghanim`s recipes.
11. Defiance Itembuilds Updated; [Tested]
12. Prices of Function E5 Updated; [Untested]