Hitlers reaction when he plays Warcraft 3 meele map...
Sep 30, 2009
Hitler's Reaction To Blademaster, When Hitler Plays Warcraft 3
Labels: Videos
Sep 25, 2009
Warcraft 3 Map Protector - ExtProtect v0.1.2.0b
This tool allows You to protect You Warcraft 3 map.
If You don't want to use tool You can protect map manually.
Download ExtProtect v0.1.2.0b
Labels: Tools
How To Protect Your Warcraft 3 Map
There are a lot of different ways of protecting a warcraft 3 map. Here are some:
>> 1: Damaging the MPQ headersize information.
A warcraft3 map is like a zip file. You have first a 512 bytes big map header with some informations. Then you have a MPQ archive attached. The MPQ archive contains all the numerous files needed for a map. The first 4 bytes of the MPQ file are the identifier. It can be read as 'MPQ'. The next four bytes are the header size, which is always hex 0x20 00 00 00. Some map protectors now change the size from 0x20 00 00 00 to a random number which can look like this for example: hex 0xF6 6E BA 76. Most MPQ applications now cannot open the MPQ archive anymore because of that wrong size entry. Warcraft3 seems to ignore false header size entries, so those maps still run in war3.
This protection can be very easily be repaired by just setting the value back to 0x20 00 00 00.
>> 2: Delete the war3map.wgt file inside a map The war3map.wgt contains all the necessairy information about the variables, triggers and groups your map uses. This file is only used by the World-Editor. A missing or altered war3map.wgt file results the World-Editor to fail loading the map.
2b: Deleting the war3map.w3c, war3map.w3s, war3map.w3r, .war3mapunits.doo files
war3map.w3c stores the camera settings for the world editor. war3map.w3s stores the sounds used by a map world editor. war3map.w3r defines the regions used in a map for world editor.
All those files are also only used by the world editor and can be easily regenerated by the war3map.j file. See "Delete the war3map.wgt file inside a map" above.
>> 3: Hiding the war3map.j file
Some clever map protecting people figured out a way to hide the war3map.j file, so you cannot extract it easily with some programs. Regular map files contains the war3map.j file directly in the root directory. The map protector guys figured out that a map still works if the file is moved into a directory called "Scripts\".
This protection can be broken very easily... just.....
>> 4: Scrambling the war3map.j file
Some protecting dudes think they are clever, so they rename all the variables and function names with random numbers. This renders the war3map.j file very hard to read by normal people, but it's useless for parser scripts. Deprotect's parser scripts do not care for keywords.
Or You can use tool like ExtProtect v0.1.2.0b
DotA-Allstars 6.63b AI 0.212 Map Download
-First update to 6.63b
-Fixed an issue that was causing AI bots to learn their abilities out of order
-Fixed another issue that was still causing the game to crash when a player leaves the game early
-Added some additional AI ability functionality (Crystal Nova, Storm Bolt, Mana Burn)
Download DotA-Allstars 6.63b AI 0.212 Map
Labels: DotA
Sep 21, 2009
Dota-Allstars 6.63b Official Map - Download & Changelogs
- Changelogs:
Armlet recipe now changed to include Quarterstaff instead of Blades of Attack (bonuses and total price unaffected)
Fixed Wrath of Nature from targeting couriers
Fixed a bug with Spirit Bear's entangle and overgrowth
Fixed Heart icon on the endgame scoreboard
Undid a couple of the fun names recently added
Fixed a rare abuse that could cause other users performance to drop
Download Dota-Allstars 6.63b Official Map
Labels: DotA
Sep 18, 2009
DotA-Allstars 6.62b AI 0.211 Map Download + Changelog
-Temporarily removed managed group system to remove critical error bugs until I get a chance to clean up group usage in the AI script
-Rewrote Liquid Fire to prevent conflict with the AI script
-Fixed a bug with Weave
-Fixed a bug with Spirit Bear losing items when the ability is levelled
-Fixed a bug with the game crashing when a human player leaves the game early
-Fixed a bug with Cold Snap not working after the first hit
-Fixed a bug with -maDownload DotA-Allstars 6.62b AI 0.211 Map
(via Megaupload)-(via MediaFire)
Labels: DotA AI
Sep 17, 2009
Dota-Allstars 6.63 Official Map Released - Downloads + Changelogs
- Mana Void AoE increased from 275 to 325
- Strength changed from 16 +1.5 to 20 +1.2
- Battle Hunger duration reduced from 10/15/20/25 to 10/13/16/19 and increased damage to keep the same total damage output
Bane Elemental
- Fiend's Grip manacost increased from 100/175/250 to 200/300/400
- Reduced base damage from 64-70 to 48-52
- Sticky Napalm fixed from doing a higher constant slow instead of stacking and starting lower
- Sticky Napalm manacost increased from 15 to 20
Blood Seeker
- Base armor reduced by 2 points
Bone Fletcher
- Strafe changed from 50/60/70/80 AS for 10 seconds to 90 AS for 4/6/8/10 seconds
Bounty Hunter
- Imported a custom model for him that has his selection box fixed
- Warpath's attack speed increase changed to bonus damage (10/20/30 base with 4/8/12 bonus per stack)
- Insatiable Hunger lifesteal increased from 40/55/70% to 40/60/80%
- Insatiable Hunger duration increased from 12 to 14 seconds
Centaur Warchief
-Double Edge manacost removed
-Double Edge can no longer cause a suicide
Chaos Knight
- Phantasm cooldown decreased from 180 to 180/160/140
- Rocket Flare vision reduced from 5/10/15/20 to 10 seconds
- Battery Assault damage reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 10/30/50/70
Dark Seer
- Ion Shell manacost increased from 60/80/100/120 to 70/90/110/130
- Wall of Replica no longer replicates allies
- Wall of Replica now deals 125 damage each time it affects an enemy hero
- Wall of Replica illusions damage improved from 35% to 60%
Drow Ranger
- Attack range increased from 600 to 625
- Echo Slam now deals half bonus damage from corpses instead of full
- Strength growth decreased from 2.0 to 1.0
- Teleportation cooldown from 60/50/40/30 to 50/40/30/20
- Wrath of Nature now has a global cast range
- Berserker's Blood stacking cap of attack speed and damage removed
- Healing Ward cooldown reduced from 75 to 60
Keeper of the Light
- Illuminate max range is now constant at all levels
- Strength growth increased from 1.7 to 2.1
- Movement speed increased by 10
Lina Inverse
- Base intelligence increased by 5 points and reduced base damage by 5 (total attack damage unchanged)
Lone Druid
- Spirit Bear's entangle no longer prevents the target from attacking
- Spirit Bear's entangle damage increased from 40/sec to 60/sec
Lord of Avernus
- Death Coil cast range reduced from 600 to 300
- Lucent Beam now has a constant 0.6 ministun instead of 0.01/0.1/0.3/0.6
- Empower cooldown reduced from 12 to 7 seconds
- Reverse Polarity duration increased from 2/3/4 to 2.5/3.25/4
- Morph's passive Agility and Strength bonus removed
Naga Siren
- Mirror Image illusion count changed from 1/2/3/3 images to a constant 3
- Mirror Image illusion damage taken changed from 300% to 600/500/400/300%
- Mirror Image illusion damaged dealt changed from 15/30/30/45% to 30/35/40/45%
Nerubian Assassin
- Mana Burn reworked
Old Mana Burn:
Burns: 70/120/185/260
Manacost: 65/85/100/115
Cooldown: 7
Cast Range: 500/575/650/725
New Mana Burn:
Burns: Mana equal to 4x Int
Manacost: 90/110/130/150
Cooldown: 35/25/15/5
Cast Range: 600
Sven Level 2: 15 Int [Burns 60 mana]
Lina Level 2: 27 Int [Burns 108 mana]
Sven Level 7: 21 Int [Burns 84 mana]
Lina Level 7: 43 Int [Burns 173 mana]
Heroes levels without int bonuses
Nerubian Weaver
- Base damage increased by 5 points
- Geminate attack now works against towers
- Increased attack range buffer to prevent misfires on Geminate Attack
- Void now slows for 2 seconds during daytime
Pandarean Brewmaster
- Fire Panda now has maximum movement speed
Phantom Assassin
- Stifling Dagger cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds
Phantom Lancer
- Juxtapose image lifetime increased from 15 to 20 seconds
Priestess of the Moon
- Starfall random chance to hit in 600-900 range removed
- Illusory Orb manacost increased by 25, Ethereal Jaunt manacost (25) removed
- Nether Ward's Mana Flare cooldown removed (was 0.75)
Queen of Pain
- Shadow Strike cooldown decreased to 20/17/14/11
- Scream of Pain cooldown decreased from 10 to 7 seconds
- Base strength increased from 17 to 21
- Greater Hawk's invisbility increased from 4 to 6 seconds duration
- Mass Serpent Wards cooldown increased from 100/80/60 to 110
- Attack range changed from 100 to 128
Sand King
- Sand Storm cooldown from 40/35/30/25 to 40/30/20/10
- Curse of the Silent duration changed from 2/4/6/8 to 5/6/7/8
- Curse of the Silent damage/burn reduced from 50/25 hp/mp to 20/10, 30/15, 40/20 and 50/25.
- Curse of the Silent cooldown reduced from 20 to 14
- Curse of the Silent manacost decreased from 105/115/125/135 to 75/95/115/135
- Shrapnel cast range increased by 300
- Base agility increased from 16 to 21
Tauren Chieftain
- Ancestral Spirit cast range decreased from 1500 to 1000
- Earth Splitter AoE decreased
- Earth Splitter cooldown increased from 90/75/60 to a constant 100
- Toss cooldown decreased from 15 to 10 seconds
- Craggy Exterior armor decreased by 1
Troll Warlord
- Battle Trance attack speed bonus increased from 60/80/100 to 60/100/140
- Dying plagued units heal reduced from 12%/3% on heroes/creeps to 6%/2%
- Tombstone armor reduced from 10 to 4
Ursa Warrior
- Fury Swipes damage increased from 6/12/18/24 -> 10/15/20/25
- Movement speed decreased by 10
Witch Doctor
- Voodoo Restoration initial activation manacost reduced from 50/75/100/125 to 25/50/75/100
- Paralyzing Casks manacost rescaled from 140 to 110/120/130/140
- Agility decreased from 15 + 1.7 to 11 + 1.2
Blood Stone
- Charge bonus and acquisition reworked
Old Bloodstone:
-450 HP
-400 MP
-6 HP Regeneration
-150% Mana Regeneration
-- Gains 1 charge per hero kill, gains 2 charges when killing a hero if the charges are empty
-- 1.5 HP and MP per charge
-- On Death: Heals 450 HP and 400 MP of alied units in 1700 aoe
-- Loses 1 charge per death
-- Gold lost on death is reduced by 20% (40% if Bloodstone has charges)
-- Respawn time is reduced by 10% (20% if Bloodstone has charges)
New Bloodstone:
-450 HP
-400 MP
-6 HP Regeneration
-150% Mana Regeneration
-- Gains 1 charge per nearby (1000) enemy hero death
-- 1 MP/sec per charge
-- Loses half charges per death (rounded down)
-- On Death: Heals 400+25xCharges HP of alied units in 1700 aoe
-- Gold lost on death is reduced by 25 per charge
-- Respawn time is reduced by 3 seconds per charge
Boots of Travel
- Movement speed increased from 90 to 95
- Manacost reduced from 245/225/205/185/165 -> 180/160/140/120/100
Eul's Scepter
- Movement bonus increased from 20 to 25
- Now requires a sobi mask instead of a Robe of the Magi (100% Mana regen -> 125%, 16 Int->10 Int, 125 cheaper recipe).
Energy Booster
- Now available for purchase in the side shops
Force Staff
- Manacost decreased from 100 to 25
- Cooldown decreased from 30 to 25
Heart of Tarrasque
- Regenerates only while you are out of combat (haven't taken damage from player units for 10 seconds)
- Regeneration increased from 1% to 2%
Kelen's Dagger
- Cooldown decreased from 18 to 14
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
- Recipe uses Headdress of Rejuvenation instead of Buckler. Loses armor bonus.
- Can no longer affect the same unit more than once every 50 seconds
Old Khadagar's Pipe:
-Hood of Defiance (2050)
-Nathrezim Bucker (803)
-Recipe (800)
-Total: 3653
-8 HP Regeneration
-5 armor
-30% magic resistance
-Barrier (active)
New Khadagar's Pipe:
-Hood of Defiance (2050)
-Headress of Rejuvenation (603)
-Recipe (1000)
Total: 3653
-10 HP/sec regeneration
-30% magic resistance
-Barrier (active) Can no longer affect the same unit more than once every 50 seconds
Mask of Madness
- Increased attack speed from 75 to 100
- Increased move speed from 15% to 20%
- Increased damage taken from 20% to 30%,
- Amplified damage happens as you take the damage once again
Magic Wand
- Recipe cost increased from 125 to 150
- Recipe changed from Eaglehorn to Hyperstone, bonuses adjusted
Old Mjollnir:
-Eaglehorn (3300)
-Maelstrom (3000)
-Total: 6300
-35 Agility
-35 Damage
-Static Charge (Active)
-Chain Lightning (Passive)
New Mjollnir:
-Hyperstone (2100)
-Maelstrom (3000)
-Recipe (400)
-Total: 5500
-70 AS
-24 Damage
-Static Charge (Active)
-Chain Lightning (Passive)
Orchid Malevolence
- Reduced manacost from 200 to 100
Phase Boots
- Recipe and bonuses reworked
Old Phase Boots:
-Boots of Speed (500)
-Chain Mail (550)
-Blades of Attack (500)
-Total: 1550
-70 movement speed
-16 damage
-5 armor
-Phase (Active)
New Phase Boots:
-Boots of Speed (500)
-Blades of Attack (500)
-Gloves of Haste (500)
-Total: 1500
-60 movement speed
-12 damage
-30 attack speed
-Phase (Active)
Power Treads
- Recipe and bonuses reworked
Old Power Treads:
-Boots of Speed (500)
-Gloves of Haste (500)
-Boots of Elvenskin/Belt of Giant Strength/Robe of the Magi (450)
-Recipe (400)
-Total: 1850
-65 movement speed
-30 attack speed
-10 selected attribute
-Switch Attribute (active)
New Power Treads:
-Boots of Speed (500)
-Boots of Elvenskin/Belt of Giant Strength/Robe of the Magi (450)
-Recipe (450)
-Total: 1400
-70 movement speed
-10 Str, 13 Agi, or 16 Int
-Switch Attribute (active)
GamePlay and Cosmetics
* New Loadscreen by Kunkka
* Implemented HCL protocol for game hosting bots to control game modes
* Spanish and German (re-released) languages now available
* A message is now displayed when a hero buys back
* Added -int command to see how much Intelligence you have stolen with Silencer
* Clarity Potion now uses a unit targeting system
* Cooldown added to disassemble to prevent some abuses
* Day and Night cycle is synchronized across all game modes now
* Glyph cooldown is now reset on initial creep spawn
* Lag when picking Huskar decreased
* Weaver's attack range buffer increased to prevent misfires on Geminate Attack
* Window for killstreak sounds increased (double, triple, ultra and rampage) from 13.5 to 18 seconds
* Improved Aghanim's Scepter tooltip
* Changed granite golem's color (12095)
* Corrected various typos and misc inconsistencies
* Corrected PotM leap tooltip
* Corrected Circle selection height on Bat Rider
* Removed the visual effect zombies received when targeting low hp targets
* Removed Plague visual effect on non-hero units to help reduce visual clutter
* Added visual animation on Raxes 7 seconds before new creeps spawn (16268)
* Added a lot more fun names (5464)
* Added a visual effect to reveal the aoe for Dark Rift (21115)
* Added visual indicator when you gain a strength point with Flesh Heap (18010)
* Added a new visual effect for Land Mine explosions (9043)
* Added a new visual effect for Mystic Snake (PGRUnexpected)
* Added a sound effect to Mystic Snake
* Added a new icon for Mystic Snake (9868)
* Added a new icon for Natural Order (5462)
* Added a new aura for Natural Order (5467)
* Added Natural Order aura on TC's spirit
* Added a new icon for Power Shot
* Added a new icon for Repel (8875)
* Added a new animation for Storm Bolt (13541)
* Added a new icon for Split Shot (9868)
* Added a new icon for Stone Gaze (9868)
* Added a new icon for Tidebringer
Bug Fixes
* Fixed more bugs with sticky napalm
* Fixed Tangos, Bottle and Magic Stick/Wand from triggering last word
* Fixed Vladmir's damage aura having smaller AoE than the lifesteal aura
* Fixed Euls movement bonus not getting set correctly if you buy any boot items after euls
* Added an optimized version of the Dark Rift effect to improve performance (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Fixed Eyes in the Forest no longer scaling as it used to before the recent change
* Fixed Cranium Basher shop hotkey conflicting with Manta Style
* Fixed a bug with triggering illuminate while in spirit form very near the end of its duration
* Fixed Fissure to be properly interrupted if the user cancels the action or gets disabled before cast point is reachedDownload Dota-Allstars 6.63 Official Map Released
(via Megaupload.com)-(via Rapidshare.com)
Labels: DotA
Sep 13, 2009
Running Warcraft 3 in Widescreen in Linux/Ubuntu
So You need to change Warcraft 3 resolution manual.

Open terminal (accessories > terminal, in ubuntu)
Type regedit
Regedit will open, in regedit locate:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Blizzard Entertainment > Warcraft III > Video
Find resheight > duble click > change base to decimal > in value data add height resolution
Find reswidth > duble click > change base to decimal > in value data add width resolution

Sep 5, 2009
How to Run Warcraft 3 on Intel GMA X3100 or other integrated GPUs
Warcraft 3 work slow on X3100 and some other integrated GPUs.
That is because game is trying to use T&L which is very bad implemented in X3100 GPUs
To resolve this problem You need to add -swtnl parameter in target field of shortcut.
It shod look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" -swtnl
In some integrated GPUs Warcraft have problems with DirectX (Direct3D) so You need to run Warcraft 3 in OpenGL mode.
To do this add -opengl parameter in target field of shortcut.
When You add both parameters it shod look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" -opengl -swtnl
Labels: Tutorials
Sep 3, 2009
DotA Allstars 6.62 AI 0.21 Released! - Download
First release, updated to 6.62 and 1.24 compliant. Note that this is v0.21, and there will be bugs.
Some abilities are not working for bots yet (they learn them but don't use them), and this is expected and will be addressed in future versions.
The following game modes have been disabled for now:
-vr, -rv, -rd, -cd, -cm, -lm, -xl
The following game commands have been disabled for now:
-afk, -kickafk, -ah, -switch, -fun
Please report bugs to Buffmeplz.
Things that are bugs:
-Crashes with reproducible reasons
-Abilities/items not working as expected (for players or bots)
Things that are not bugs:
-Bots not using certain abilities
-Bots being too strong/weak/cheating. They do that.Download DotA Allstars 6.62 AI 0.21 (via rapidshare.com)
Download DotA Allstars 6.62 AI 0.21 (via uploaded.to)
Labels: DotA
Dota-Allstars 6.62b Official Map - Download
New version of DotA has been released. New version has been released because exploit in DotA 6.62 map, check video below to see exploit.
Fixed a major exploit that was recently discoveredDownload Dota-Allstars 6.62b Official (via uploading.com)
Download Dota-Allstars 6.62b Official (via uploaded.to)
Labels: DotA
Sep 1, 2009
Warcraft 3 Background Changer + Windows and Linux/Ubuntu Tutorial
Warcraft 3 Background Changer allows You to change background in Warcraft 3 RoC and TFT.
You can chose 5 background themes from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and 5 themes from Warcraft III: Frozen Throne and + 2 beta themes, black and no-logo theme.
- Windows
- Download and extract archive to Your Warcraft 3 directory (C:\Program Files\Warcraft III).
- Start RuTheme.exe and select which theme You want.
- If You get MSCOMCTL.OCX error, in archive there is MSCOMCTL.OCX and copy it to system32 (c:\Windows\system32\).
Windows 95, 98, or Me:
regsvr32 \windows\system\MSCOMCTL.OCX
Windows NT or 2000:
regsvr32 \WINNT\system32\MSCOMCTL.OCX
Windows XP:
regsvr32 \windows\system32\MSCOMCTL.OCX
You should see a message saying "DllRegisterServer ... succeeded"
Vista/7 Users:
Heres how to make it work on VISTA just right click RU Theme.exe then click properties choose Compatibility Tab then check Run this program in Compatibility mode for Windows Xp service pack 2 and also add
check on Priviledge level run this program as administrator then apply ok then allow then try again. make sure Warcraft III is not running when your doing this.
- Download and extract archive to Your Warcraft 3 directory (/home/USERNAME/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Warcraft III).
- Start RuTheme.exe (right click > Open With "Wine Windows Program Loader") and select which theme You want.
- If You get MSCOMCTL.OCX error, in archive there is MSCOMCTL.OCX and copy it to system32 (/home/USERNAME/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/system32).
Labels: Tools, UI Changes