Hamachi is great tool for creating virtual networks, this network can be used for gaming.
Loots of games can be played this way, but not every game works "out of box".
Hamachi only create connection between computers but it don't connect them is same "workgroup".
Warcraft 3 is one of games that search for Lan players in "workgroup", so playing Wc3 with hamachi is not possible "out of box".
To play Warcraft 3 with hamachi you need to use one of Wc3 Lan Emulator like Lancraft, Wc3Proxy, YAWLE or Battle.net.
You need 2 this to start playing.
- Hamachi
Make sure that you have same version of hamachi as other players, you can download latest version of hamachi here.
- Wc3 Lan Emulator
You can chose between Lancraft, Wc3Proxy, YAWLE or Battle.net. And also make sure that you have se Wc3 patch version as other players.
Now you are ready to play.
Start hamachi and join network (or create you own).
Then start Wc3 Lan Emulator that you chosed (if you are using Battle.net than only game host need to start it).
I will use Wc3Proxy to explain.
Start it, it will ask for game host it, you need to add players (game host's) hamachi IP address.
![]() |
adding game host's IP |
His IP address is located next ho his name.
![]() |
players hamachi IP |
When Wc3Proxy says that game is found you are ready to play, start Warcraft 3 and go to Local Area Network.
![]() |
hamachi game found |
If you have any questions please comment.
does this help for wc3 custom game hosters?
when unknown people can join the game
no, this is only for local area network not battle.net...
Can warcraft 3:reign of chaos connect to the expansion this way? or is there no way for them to connect? (im just wondering if they could ever connect)
no that is not possible. RoC to RoC and TFT to TFT.
wow thx didn´t knew that i need wc3proxy thx a lot!
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