In this version you can finally play with Phoenix and Tuskar.
AI Rev 2 Changelogs:
1. Fixed Human Phoenix Auto Super Nova after Dive and Low HP.
2. Removed the debug message after Invoker`s Meteor.
3. Fixed Walrus Punch not working when used on the same hero twice.
4. Added Phoenix basic anti Sun Ray and Super Nova reactions.
5. Fixed a bug in Invoker`s system skills usage making him use Ghost Walk when he can`t.
6. I put some delay on endscreen generation but i don`t think that fixes the bug with missing data at some point.
1. Fixed some bugs with All Int/Agi/Str and SD modes
2. Added two new heroes: Phoenix & Tuskarr
3. Rearranged hero taverns
4. Clockwerk (6.67)
- Power Cogs unit trapping code improved a little bit
5. Added 3 new items: Medallion of Courage, Ancient Janggo of Endurance and Smoke of Deceit
6. Added buyback cooldown limit
7. All changes from 6.69c to 6.70c are ported.