1. Downloading and installing Lancraft
First download Lancraft here, after downloading extract lancraft.zip.
copy lancraft.exe file in Your Warcraft 3 directory (C:\Program Files\Warcraft III).
Strat lancraft.exe before starting Warcraft 3.
In field with “” insert Host’s IP and click on “Start Warcraft” button.
In Game chose “Local Area Network”, in “Games” field select game and click “Joing Game”
If You are Host You don’t start lancraft, but You can start tool for game host caled Battle.Lan
3. IP Adress
Read This IP Addres Guide
To play Warcraft 3 with Lancraft You will need to unblock port 6112 on You firewall.
Setting Up Firewall in Windows XP
Setting Up Firewall in Windows 7/Vista
Host Lookup Canceled

On this error just click OK.
Unable To Enter Local Game
If You can’t enter lan game make shure that in the game is seted to port 6112!
To set port enter Options>Game Play

"Don't Send" error

On this error make shure that Warcraft 3 is not running and that other Lan Emulators for Warcraft 3 are not running.
Check guide for lancraft in Chinise language.
Read This IP Addres Guide
4. Firewall
To play Warcraft 3 with Lancraft You will need to unblock port 6112 on You firewall.
Setting Up Firewall in Windows XP
Setting Up Firewall in Windows 7/Vista
Host Lookup Canceled
On this error just click OK.
Unable To Enter Local Game
If You can’t enter lan game make shure that in the game is seted to port 6112!
To set port enter Options>Game Play
"Don't Send" error
On this error make shure that Warcraft 3 is not running and that other Lan Emulators for Warcraft 3 are not running.
6. Other
Check guide for lancraft in Chinise language.
The BEST program and guide from all the internet. Sicerly the best. I tried many,many, and no one was like this. Grats for all the work and explanasions.Thank you very much. I really appreciate the work.THANK YOU
awesome guide man . appreciate ur hard work
No need to go anywhere else
Is it posible to start RoC with lancraft if i have installed TFT?
anyone say when i host or my friend host we keep get disconect from begining of the game...even whit "waiting for players" and that shit..
thank you anyway my email is dn_dinho@hotmail.com
For some reasons my friend cant see the game i created... i use battlelan and he uses lancraft... i added his IP to the battlelan n he added mine to lancraft but still nothing... help please
try YAWLE or Wc3Proxy
@Wildpeon try not using Battle.lan
+ if you have routers don't forget to portforward them...
it´s doesent work
firewall OFF
hmm can u help me?
maybe router is blocking wc3, Do you have same version of wc3 as host?
PS: never turn off antivirus in windows :)
Trying to play with 2 friends and when one joins the other gets disconnected. Any reasoning behind that? Running Lancraft and Hamachi
Dont be stupid... You don't need hamachi to play with Lancraft. Close it...
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